
Reiki and the Chakras

To understand Reiki and the hand positions used one will have to have some knowledge of the chakras. The Reiki hand positions as used here in the west covers and treats all the major chakras. The chakras are both connected to the physical organs in our body and the different layers in the aura.
7 centers of energy

Chakra is a Sanskrit word and means "wheel". A wheel that spins around its own axis and can spin fast or slowly. A chakra will spin in relation to the energy level of your system. Where will you find these chakras? They exist within us all. In the same way that we have a physical body we also have a subtile body. Our chakras are parts of a large network of subtile energies.
Today we know that living cells from humans, animals and plants give off invisible energies. Simple groups of living tissue issue a sort of light (aura) that can be seen on a Kirlian photo. Specialized groups of cells that make up physical organs create more organized energy patterns. The human body's system consists of sensory, breathing, circulation, digestion, reproduction and secretion. There are six corresponding chakras for these bodily functions. The brain and the whole being also has one chakra, making a total of 7 major chakras. These chakras are situated at the top of the head, forehead, throat, heart, solar plexus, the navel and at the bottom of the pelvis.
The chakras and the physical body

Every chakra has a corresponding organ in our physical system.
The root chakra belongs together with the large intestine and the rectum. It also has a certain influence on the function of the kidneys.
The navel chakra belongs to the reproduction system, the testicles and ovaries and also the urinary bladder and kidneys.
The solar plexus chakra is in relation to the liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen and the small intestine.
The heart chakra belongs to the heart and the arms.
The throat chakra relates to the lungs and the throat.
The third eye (forehead) chakra belongs to the brain, face, nose, eyes etc.
The crown chakra does not have a corresponding organ but is related to the whole being.
There is a clear connection between the condition of a chakra and the condition of the corresponding organ. A chakra can be over active, under active or in balance. Using Reiki can give the chakras balance and the organs health.
Chakras and the endocrine system:

The chakras change energy from one level to another by distributing Ki (also called Chi, Prana, Mana depending on belief system) to the physical body. This is partly done through the endocrine system that regulates other systems in the body. According to tradition each chakra also corresponds to one of the major glands in the body. The Reiki hand positions not only cover the chakras but also major organs and glands.

The root chakra is in relation to the adrenal gland.
The navel chakra
to the ovaries or testicles.
The solar plexus chakra
is related to the pancreas.
The heart chakra
belongs together with the thymus.
The throat chakra
corresponds to the thyroid gland.
The third eye chakra
has a connection to the pituitary gland.
The crown chakra
is usually connected to the pineal gland.
The endocrine system plays a major role for the body's daily health. The glands release hormones directly into the blood stream and control all aspects of growth, development and daily activities.
Physical problems are often the result of a blockage in the energy flow in the system made up of meridians and chakras causing the organs or glands to not function properly.
Hara (Navel)
Solar Plexus
Third Eye
4 petaled Lotus
6 petaled Lotus
10 petaled Lotus
12 petaled Lotus
16 petaled Lotus
96 petaled Lotus
1000 petaled Lotus
Light blue
Violet, white
Between genitals and anus
Slightly above genital area below navel
Slightly up from navel
Center of chest
Between inner collarbone
Between the eyes
Top and center of head
Physical Entity
Reproduction of being
Formation of being
Loving beyond the self
Expression of being
Knowing of being
Pure being
Links the individual with the physical world
Center for sexual energy, creativity and pure emotions
This is where the personality is formed. Feeling and being are integrated here.
The ability to love without fear and self consciousness
Deals with all related to sound both physical and metaphysical
This chakra enables the recognition of being
Here the human being connects with the universe
All elements
All elements
Agate, Bloodstone Garnet, Ruby, Smoky Quartz
Moon stone, Carnelian Tourmaline
Amber, Tiger's eye, Citrine, Yellow Topaz, Agate
Emerald, Green Jade, Rose Quartz
Aquamarine Turquoise, Chalcedon
Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Opal, Indigo Sapphire
Amethyst, Crystal, Topaz, Alexandrite, Sapphire
Cedar, Clove, Cypress, Marjoram, Myrrh
wood, Petitgrain, Ylang Ylang
Chamomile Lemon, Thyme
Geranium Bergamot, Rose, Clary Sage
Lavender, Sandal wood, Neroli, Sage
Basil, Jasmine, Rosemary Patchouli
Frankincense, Olibanum, Oakmoss, Lotus
All plus 6th sense
Beyond senses
Calms, dissolves tension
Stimulates desire, rejuvenates
Eases aggression, pacifies
Brings peace and understanding
Brings harmony to speech and voice
Under standing, harmony
Cosmic aspect -
no self limitations
Etheric body
Emotional body
Mental Body
Astral Body
Divine Will
Celestial body
Ketheric Template
Body parts
Bones, teeth, nails, legs, arms, intestine anus, prostate, blood, cell structure, adrenal gland
Reproductive organs, kidney, bladder, pelvic area, sperm, all liquids and fluids of the body
Abdomen, lower back, stomach, spleen, liver, digestive system, gall bladder, autonomic nervous system, pancreas
Heart, upper back, rib cage, chest, skin, circulatory system, lower lungs, abdominal cavity, thymus gland
Lungs, vocal cords, bronchials throat, jaw, neck, thyroid, voice, nape of neck, thyroid gland
Face, nose, eyes, sinus, cerebellum, pituitary gland
Brain, cerebellum, skull, pineal gland
Massage direction female
Anti clockwise
Anti clockwise
Anti clockwise
Anti clockwise
Massage direction male
Anti clockwise
Anti Clockwise
Anti clockwise

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